
Seven Tips to Survive Your First Day on the Job

first day travel assignmentEven if you are excited about starting your healthcare travel job, it’s normal to be a little nervous about your first day. You may wonder what your workload will be like, how your new coworkers will treat you and whether you’ll be able to find your way around. Everyone has a little apprehension about starting something new. Consider some of the tips below in order to survive your first day on the job

Your Travel Assignment: Surviving The First Day

  1. Get some sleep. Although it can be nerve wracking and hard to get to sleep before a big day, getting a good night’s sleep will help you handle any stress that comes your way. Don’t plan any big activities the night before you start your job. Instead, do something relaxing before bed, like reading or taking a warm bath. 
  2. Make sure you have all the information you need. You have likely received a lot of information from your recruiter and possibly human resources at your new facility. You may have already completed all the paperwork you will need. Be sure you don’t have to bring any other documents, such as a license, Social Security card, or immunization record.
  3. Give yourself plenty of time to get where you are going. Nothing adds to the stress of a first day more than being late. Working as a traveler likely may mean you are new to the area. Make sure you know the route you will be taking to work. Allow extra time for traffic and parking. It’s always better to give yourself too much time than not enough.
  4. Bring your lunch. Even if the healthcare facility you will be working at has a cafeteria, you may want to bring your own lunch for the first day. You may want to find out the hours the cafeteria is open and what types of foods they serve before you rely on it for your meals.
  5. Don’t expect to learn everything at once. Even if you have a great experience on your first day and learn a lot, you’re mostly likely not going to learn everything. It can take a few shifts in order to feel comfortable at your new work environment.
  6. Ask questions if you have them. Don’t hesitate to ask if you don’t understand something. You’re likely going to get information overload on everything from policies to charting procedures. It’s normal to have questions.
  7. Be yourself. The best way to start a new job, it by being yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not in order to fit in. Always be honest and sincere when meeting new people and you can’t go wrong.

Working as a healthcare traveler is exciting. But anytime you start a new job, it can be intimidating.  Keep in mind, you are well qualified, or you would not have been hired. Try to relax and enjoy the experience. Before you know it, your new job will feel like home.

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